Friday, February 18, 2011

Recipe for the Stone Russian Imperial Stout Clone

OK, here's what I bought to make the beer.

16 lbs - 2-row
2lbs - amber
1 lb - roasted barley
1 lb -black malt

2 0z - Warrior hops
1 packet of Safale S-04 English Ale yeast

Used 5 gals of strike water at 170° F and mashed for only 30 mins
Sparged with 4 gals at 175°F almost another 30 minutes for this.
Collected almost 7 gals of wort. Boiled and added the Warrior hops for 60 minutes.
Cooled and got a OG of 1.09

Primary fermentation for one week. It is now in the secondary fermenter and I will keep it in there for two weeks.

During the boil

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